Playing Round Ball, Round Ball
※ Download: Crack an egg on your head let the yolk drip down
So here is mine after lots of racking my brain. Orange means they will burn to death in a fire. Do you feel the yellow sun on your back?
Yellow means they will be poisoned. Grey means they will die of a disease in hospital. Then you stand behind them and say the chant while performing the rituals.
Playing Round Ball, Round Ball - My grandfather never actually played any of these games with us I barely remember him speaking , but he was great at the fake egg crack.
Concentrate is a game to tell the future of how you will die. It is in a sort of poem. With every thing you say, you will have something done to you or will be doing something to someone else. If you are doing it to someone: Please do the following. Guest the person to close heir eyes. As you say these next words, every time you say it, beat in the other person's back with your fists lightly Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying People are dying, children are crying Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying Tap the person's head lightly and run your hands down the side of their head to represent something sliding down Crack an egg on your head, let the yolk run down, let the yolk run down. Crack an egg on your head, let the yolk run down, let the yolk run down. Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying People are dying, children are crying Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying Squeeze their shoulders lightly and run your hands down their arms Squeeze an orange on your shoulders, let the juice drip down, let the juice drip down Squeeze an orange on your shoulders, let the juice drip down, let the juice drip down Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying People are dying, children are crying Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying. Jab ten fingers into their sides lightly and run your hands down their sides Stick ten needles in your sides. Let the blood drip down, let he blood drip down. Stick ten needles in your sides. Let the blood drip down, let the blood drip down. Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying. People are dying, children crying Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying. Hit their back with your fist like you're stabbing them and run your fingers down their back Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood run down, let the blood run down. Stab a knife in your back. Let the blood run down, let the blood run down. Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying. People are dying, children are crying. Concentrate, concentrate Concentrate on what I'm saying. Mime wrapping a rope around their next. Their head should come up a bit like you're actually doing it. Wrap a rope around your neck Wrap it till its tight Wrap a rope around your neck And... Lean your face to their ear and whisper this next part. You're on the ledge. And you're very dizzy. You're on the edge when someone.... Ask them what color they saw. Red- Stabbed to death. Orange- Burn in a fire. Green- Fall from a building and die on grass. Grey- Die in a hospital from disease. White- Die of old age and go to heaven. Black: Die of old age and go to hell. I'm gonna go get someone to do this real quick! I'll check back with you in a bit! Talk to you later Loxs!!
Crack An Egg On Your Head My Aunt Sue had her own relaxing game she would play with me when I was about 13. The color they see when they open their eyes represents how they will die. Then you stand behind them and say the chant while performing the rituals. What a fun blog to stumble upon. No chorus or rope or anything. Let the blood drip down.