Learn How To Be Consistent
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You have something to work towards so, you focus everything around it. Piano, however, should be more fun than doing chores. They rarely see past the moment.
Of course, gaining control over your habits is easier said than done. If so, you are not alone.
Learn How To Be Consistent - Do you not think that reading 75 books over the course of 5 years would change how you think about your life, your career, your relationships or your business? Consistency is the key to success.
He forgot today was a Friday! Yes, today is yet another Friday …that is no breaking news. The jerk here however is how many express their excitement in knowing that the workweek is about to end and that they have two days off with which to enjoy. As a matter of fact for several, it has already ended as they may already out of town for one gig or the other. Many like my business acquaintance will cancel meetings and appointments and reschedule for Monday. Needless to say that this syndrome is officially acceptable in most organizations as employers and even employees dress down and some even work half-day or work from home on Fridays! As interesting as this sounds it is however a luxury some people cannot afford, at least not just yet! While many may throw their hands in the air and let their hair down in euphoric commemoration of fifth day of the week, for others, me inclusive it makes no difference. So for me, The Grind Includes Friday-TGIF! Remember, great things never come from comfort zones. Takings steps out of your comfort zone pivotal for your own evolution and growth. You cannot become bigger and better until you stretch out of the norm! If you really want something you must be willing to inconvenience yourself, make sacrifices and go the extra mile to achieve it. It is certainly not so easy and that is why many people spend more time talking about their dreams rather than go out there to chase them. Go out and get it! So be excited to start another round of twenty-four hours of accomplishing greatness and success rather than wallow in the exhilaration of another weekend. The watchword here is CONSISTENCY; the SMALL steps to BIG goals! By definition, consistency is mostly referred to as adherence to the same principles in a steadfast way. It is a pattern in human behavior, which holds the most important place in every sphere of life. Consistency is the key to success no matter what you are doing. Consistency is the true key to achieving your goals! This quality is not one of the easiest to cultivate…certainly not! For example, decide what your goals are over the next few months and work consistently to achieve them. Do something EVERY day including FRIDAYS to work towards your goals. You will find this creates a habit and really helps to build momentum. Consistency leads to habits. Habits form the actions we take every day. Action leads to success. Consistency in performance is only possible with consistent hard work and dedication. Business, whether Micro, Medium, Small or Large will fail without consistency. Consistency in performance, innovation, research and development, product development, etc. Also, to keep customer consistently happy, companies need to develop consistent approach towards their operations. Now that you have seen the power of Consistency in whatever you do, start by asking yourself: what are the most important things you want to accomplish in in the remaining half of 2015? After identifying them start to work on them right away…yes today, Friday! There is no wishing and hoping…get up, use your brain and your God given skills and create the life you want. Keep your head up, your integrity intact, your heart in the right place, and your goals in focus. Do this CONSISTENTLY everyday…even Fridays and believe me, your vision will become reality! Have a Fearless and Fantastic Friday!
As a woman, we wear multiple hats. If you notice something is lacking, not progressing or not working, then you know that you need to adjust your strategy. This train of thought moved me towards looking at other areas where consistency made all the difference and I realised that if you want to be successful at anything, the key ingredient is always consistency. Subscribe Having a consistent approach, plan or strategy towards solving or addressing the areas in your life that are falling short of your expectations will determine how quickly you achieve. Find out more about how consistency is the key to success and how YOU can stay consistent so that you can slay your goals too. What I did was film for 3 months before actually launching my channel and I worked out that at the rate I was going I could easily do 2 studio style videos per week and maybe 1 vlog.