Let's Start the Game

※ Download: Ac origins ornamented key

The treasure is on top of the thinner of the two. You don't actually need to wait for the shadow to mark it; just searching the area is fine.

Often, other players are pointing to hidden loot and other areas of interest which will help you solve Papyrus Puzzles. Our will take you through every step of the main story and quests, whilst we also have guides on how to , plus explainers on how work, alongside , and even complete solutions and walkthroughs to. Any more than that and they are red skulls.

Let's Start the Game - I'm under a tree that thinks it's unique, but only because the nearby rock bridge is blocking it from seeing the others of its breed. The quest location will take you to the treasure location.

Searching his body reveals him as a member of the , elite warriors of the Pharaoh , whose latest orders are to carry out Bayek's death. Bayek is left with no choice but to kill them before they can carry out their orders. And though life is its own reward, there may be more to be gained from this adventure than Bayek intially realizes. Dialogue Bayek was attacked by a powerful warrior. After defeating him, Bayek found an assassination contract on his opponent. A man of martial bearing, he is heavily scarred about the face. Those who hold them must die before I do. Later, Bayek defeated another Phylakes and found an ornamented key on his corpse. What could it unlock? Bayek defeated another Phylakes and found another key. How many of the Phylakes have these? Bayek killed , , , , , , , , and , claiming various weapons and ornamented keys from them. On the last Phylakes, he found a third key and a letter. Must be part of a set. Clearly they protect something of value. Bayek read the letter. The last key, eh? She busies herself with simple tasks in that sad fishing village east of Herakleion, telling the children tales of her past glories. Of course, I could easily steal the key, but she deserves the respect due to a war leader. More news as it comes. Bayek made his way to the fishing village and came across an elderly woman fitting the description there. She could be the one spoken of in the letter. You speak like a. They had orders to execute me. Prove yourself as a protector, and I will give you the one thing I have left - the key. You'll find them roaming east of here. Bayek killed the crocodiles and returned to Abar. You know, I always admired the Medjay. I wish I could have been one of you. Here is the key to my warrior's chest. Make something of my legacy in this wretched world. You will find the chest sunk in Mother , a little south of here. Bayek found the chest in the Nile. Now I will see this great warrior's treasure. Assassin's Creed: Origins Memories Main Quests - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Side Quests Special Side Quests - - - Phylakes' Prey - - Siwa Side Quests - - - - - - - Lake Mareotis Side Quests - - - - - - Alexandria Side Quests - - - - - - - - - - Kanopos Side Quests - - - - Sap-Meh Nome Side Quests - - Sapi-Res Nome Side Quests - - - - - - - - - Giza Side Quests - - Memphis Side Quests - - - - - - Saqqara Nome Side Quests - - - Faiyum Side Quests - - - - - - - - - Faiyum Oasis Side Quests - - - - - - Herakleion Nome Side Quests - - - Uab Nome Side Quests Atef-Pehu Nome Side Quests Green Mountains Side Quests - - - - - - - Marmarica Side Quests Kyrenaika Side Quests - - - - - - - - - - - Isolated Desert Side Quests Tombs and Ancient Mechanisms - - - - - - - - - - - - - Tomb of the Nomads - Stone Circles - - - - - - - - - - - - The Planetarium Papyrus Puzzles - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DLC - The Hidden Ones Main Quests - - - - - - - Side Quests Klysma Nome Side Quests - - - - Madiama Nome Side Quests Arsinoe Nome Side Quests Stone Circles - Papyrus Puzzles - - - The Curse of the Pharaohs Main Quests - - - - - - - - - - - - - Side Quests Thebes Side Quests - - Theban Necropolis Side Quests - - - - - Thebes Nome Side Quests - Yebu Nome Side Quests - - Aaru Side Quests Aten Side Quests - - - Heb Sed Side Quests Duat Side Quests - - -.


If you need help, check out our. In this guide, we have mentioned all the Tips and tricks that you can use to kill these Phylake's with an additional information on what their level is and what minimum level you require to be and also mentioned the last objective that you need to do in order to collect the Black Hood Legendary Outfit. Progress through the story and you will soon be introduced to Phylakes. Assassins Creed Origins features tons of awesome Legendary outfits. When you open a TL;DR Games article, look for the TL;DR button in the top left. On that note, we have some recommendations based on the skills we found to be most important. What loot do I get from Papyrus Ac origins ornamented key.